26 Feb 2016

Creative mending: rocket patch on little trousers

My 3 year old son wore through the knee of  his trousers but they still fit very well. I suspect this might the first of many times this happens, so I could took the opportunity to try some creative mending.

I had to open up the outside side seam as I couldn't get the leg onto my sewing machine free arm. 

I used bondaweb to attach a large patch of fabric on the inside to strengthen the knee and appliquéd a rocket shape over the worn patch.  I used straight stitch to do the flames,  the built in stitches on my machine to add some  stars and free machine embroidery to add a planet. 

The final step was to sew up the side seam  again and done! 

As both pieces of fabric I used were recycled from old trousers,  the project ticked all my boxes  -  it was  environmentally friendly,  budget friendly and fun to do.

I'm back!

and maybe one day I'll update this with  some of my craft projects from the intervening period. For now though,  I'll just try to update you on what I'm up to at the moment. 
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